Sanyipace Budget Sewer Inspection Camera System || Review
Welcome to projects for all. My name is Mike, and today we have something that we haven't done on this channel before. We have a 100ft sewer inspection camera to check out, which was sent down here by this company Sanyipace for me to show you guys. This system falls firmly into budget territory. It is under $700. And while there's a lot of cool and good stuff going on here, there are some trade-offs because of the price. So let's do our normal walk around, and then we'll get in close to look at the menu, the details of its use, etc.

You can see there is no keyboard on this one. This is simple, all your buttons are up here. The whole interface is here, you have to plug in this cable to the monitor. So it'll get to your inspection. The cable is made of hard fiberglass and fits nicely into this slot. As you carry this, it stays coiled; and there's no fooling around when you open it up. Charge it when the machine won't turn on or the screen flickers. Everything here is kept nice and tight.

Your camera is equipped with a sapphire lens and LED lamp beads, mounted on a flexible spring bracket. Come off of there, you also get this trolley here. Wheel trolley camera fits inside and can be fed through this. If you're feeding this through larger pipes so it doesn't get stuck, and it continues to feed straight. You get a couple of spare O-rings, which is nice because you want these things to stay watertight.

You get a charging cable with an LED light to tell you when it's charged. The port is right here, just plugs in and charges. It's fully charged, which is why the light comes on. And you get a couple small screwdrivers, the camera just screws on. You have contacts and circular contacts on the cable side. It's got a fine thread, it takes a second sometimes to line up, but it does screw down nice and clean. There's no flat spots to put a wrench on this, you just hand tighten it as tight as you can get.
Buttons & Menu
It comes with a micro SD card that works fine 16 gigs. You have on the screen a time stamp and date down here. You have your power meter on screen right here. DC fully charged is 12 volts. I had this charging all morning, so I know that's fully charged. The buttons here are not of the highest quality, they are plastic chrome. And they look like it, so you have this power button here. Remember this turns your screen on and off, so if you are doing something you don't need the battery running the screen at the moment, you at least have a quick way to turn it on and off.

This records 1080p video and it records sound. So we have time settings, playback function, browse video. Let's check that out, here are a couple videos I took just goof it around. There's the one I did a few seconds ago, so you get your time stamp here. There we go, it shows you how many feet out the coil is and what the battery charge was. It's stamped right in the video. So you can see that was before I set the time that was a few hours ago, and it was half a foot.
So next up display settings brightness, contrast ratio, saturation, chroma, time, system language. You can change from feet to meters on the line out; you have an LED button of various brightness. It seems to have the best video quality. It's clearly an off-the-shelf watertight case that's been adapted. It has a handle for it right here and looks like a pressure valve that's fixed on it.
Case & Frame
You got nice latches to hold it together, it comes on this nice lightweight thin welded frame. Flopping the camera around the bottom, you have your fiberglass 100ft coils. The frame is simple and welded, but it's a nice, lightweight package.

Welcome to the back corner of my basement. This is my 3-inch cleared area, and we're going to check the roots in there. Let's see what's going on down there. We were breaking through a bend and there were some roots there. Let's start recording, that might help us get over it. We went 21 feet, and it looked clean inside except for root deposits. There are some roots at the bottom, and you can see there's still some feed there. The feed is perfect and smooth. I love this cable.
Now we're getting more roots at 32 feet. See if we can push through that. I think we're stuck at 40 feet. We're kind of making a dent there. I think we got too much stuff going on. That's gross, too much stuff going on here to get through. Let's see if we can get some of this stuff out of there.
This camera is okay quality, but these systems can run in the many thousands of dollars. And even ones that are not from a company called Milwaukee can be 2500 bucks. So for the landlords or handymen, or for say three people who throw a couple of hundred bucks each and each have a couple properties this could be money well spent.
Is it going to last the long term? We're going to find out, because I'm going to be lending this to friends. We're going to use this over and over. After we get the roots out of that s line, we're going to be checking it with this. You'll get a little more time, seeing the video that comes out of this demonstration. For this, I had the LEDs turned down to like three or four on this screen. It looked like the appropriate amount of brightness. I think it's because there were wet roots right in front of the camera when I went to adjust it. And it was reflecting the light back.
So just check the chapters in that video link at the end of this one. Thank you as always for watching my video. Let me know what you guys think. I appreciate you hit subscribe hit like if you haven't already. It helps out the channel a lot and helps me make more tool videos for you, see you in the next one.
Product link:
Sanyipace official website:
Check the video review here: