Sewer Camera with Meter Counter & Wireless Locator
What's going on, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to pipe Doctor, central Florida. Today, we're doing a sewer inspection at this customer's home. They just want to see what's going on with the drain. If there's anything in there backing it up, if it needs to be jetted if there's any cracked fittings.

Product Overview
So today we're going to go ahead and let this customer know what they got going as we're using this camera from the Sanyipace. I've used it once before, it's very, very user-friendly. It's got an awesome little cover screen or a cove r for the screen. Right there, you also have your record, your play, your main menu. Go back to your videos, and then you can zoom in on the photos that you take as well.
Zoom for 5X
It's got five different zooms and then there is obviously the power for the actual screen itself now right here you have a charger there's a unit there's a plug that comes with this you plug it into an outlet, and you plug it right into the charger, and it is actually up and charges the whole unit without using any batteries you have you on and off for the unit itself.

Five-level adjustment LED
You have your clear when you're making edits and putting notes on your um on your picture you hit clear, and it'll clear things away for you, you also have an LED light adjustment for the camera head itself. You have five different modes as it goes from dim to super bright. I will show you that once I stick this camera in the drain underneath the keyboard, which is really neat. You have a small little compartment station when you unscrew the camera head, it also goes back in here as well. Here's the charger that you plug into the wall right there, and then this is what goes into the unit.

Also, what's really nice about this, they give you the wheels that you can stick on the end of the camera. Put it in the drain as it's full of water, so you can keep it suspended out of the water and still see what's going on. Really nice to have, so you just go ahead and slide this right back in place. It locks in just like so okay I have the camera on right now. I'm going to go ahead, I'm going to stick it in the drain and like I said, I don't even have an LED light on yet.

Multi-function keyboard
So let's go ahead. What I really like about this camera, not only for the LED adjustment, but also for the zooms. Something was to happen with the buttons itself, you can actually use the keyboard to still do the same operations with those buttons. If you hit F4, it actually changes, and you can see it right there. It'll change it from feet to meters. Hit F5 it'll clear it; F6 is your LED light adjust and off. If you wanted to take your photo, just took the photo, and it just saved right onto my little drive right there.

512Hz Locator Testing
This camera comes with a locator, very easy to use, I'm going to go ahead. I'm going to feed this back. And then we're going to run it going down towards the city. I'm going to show you how nice and easy the Sanyipace locator is.
We have our locator right here, it's very user-friendly, pop your wand right out right here. So you're going to take the gun off and then the wand itself screws right onto the unit. And also this does come with a charger as well plug it in right there, plug it in your house. You're rock and rolling and up in business. So on the gun itself you have your near and your far, you can adjust right there with the button.
And then you have your sensitivity dial is right here to where. It could be shallow if it's a little bit deeper. Let's crank her up some. So here we're going to set it to about right there. Now I have the camera head inside the drain. Over there, we're going to go ahead and locate this guy.
Actually, when you see the sensitivity indicator make a sound like this, you're right on top of the camera. If you move away from it, the sensitivity will drop significantly. If you get closer, she'll scream, but I really just want to show you how user-friendly this Sanyipace camera and locator is.
I highly recommend it. To be honest, it's very lightweight there are no batteries involved and like I said the locator it picks it up like there's no tomorrow. it works great so if you're looking to get a new sewer camera and locator I'm going to be honest with you, I really high recommend grab yourself one from Sanyipace, because you really can't go wrong.
Product link:
Sanyipace official website:
Check the video review here: