Sewage pipe inspection with camera. AMAZING!!!
Hey, guys, how are you today? We have a really cool sewer camera. Today we're going to be checking the drains in a house. We're going to see two real-life cases. The feces in the house is very cool. You'll be amazed at what's in there. Without further ado, thanks to the Plumbing Inspection Camera from Sanyipace.
I'll explain to you what it's all about, what's going on, what's happening, what's weird. You'll see how it goes in the video. Well, let's see what happens next.

The instructions come with a series of accessories, pulley accessories depending on exactly what type of pipe we're going through. We need the most important thing: the camera head. We will set it up with a screwdriver to use this type of fitting. The HD screen is crucial. The camera comes with a 16 GB memory card, but supports up to 128 GB, allowing you to record what you are doing. We'll record it so you can see it and view it.
Moving on to coil retraction and seeing how easy it is. Hold on a second, I'm going to remove a little bit of hose. See, the protector is removed, and the camera protector just needs to be tightened. There's a signal on the screen, and we can now see that it's in the pipe. We're recording video of the pipe. Take a look at this, it's got a 30m coil installed, it also comes in a 50m version.

The diameter of the camera head is 23 mm. I'm going to turn it off in a minute so I can see it better. What pipes can we pass through? The Sewer Camera can pass through 50 mm straight pipes and 80 mm pipes with 90° corners. Of course, there is also a smaller version of the sewer camera that can pass through 40mm diameter pipes.
We will definitely see it recording in high quality footage, as I told you. This is the meter that measures the distance the coil has traveled, which is very useful for knowing where the problem areas are in the pipe. We turn on the LED light, which has 12 beads and 5 intensity modes. You can adjust it as needed.

And then we have one very important thing that's in this briefcase, it's a receiver, it's a receiver for receiving the position of the camera probe. I'll go over and explain to you how it works in a moment.
As I told you, it comes in a sturdy aluminum case. You see this antenna is simple to install, it and the camera tip from the coil are a pair of 512Hz transmitter & receiver units. The camera tip has a receiver, so this antenna receives the signal. When we observe an obvious blockage on the camera, we can't find it directly, but with this locator, we can fix it. So we are doing a demo here and we will deal with real cases.

Drainage Inspection
Come on, let's get started, let's take a look at this drainage system, coming from over there, it's going to hit a 90-degree corner. I'm going to mount this adapter to the camera probe, simple assembly with just the screwdriver that came with it.

The first thing I'm going to do before we get into the drain is zero the meter counter and press record on video. We're already recording, you can see it in the video later. Turn on the LED and set it to the brightest level, and let's see what we found. Look at it moving forward, 1.18 m. We've entered the first bend, keep going forward. Here we find a branch that leads to the other drain. There's another pipe. Come on, let's follow it. It's quite clean in here, let's clean it up a bit. We've reached 6.60 meters, let's keep going.
Of course, when it rains, it washes away a lot of dirt. Here we've reached the end, we've found something, let's see what it is. We can turn the lights up, we have a powerful zoom. By the way, since it says so, subscribe! Now that we've got a look through the camera, the next step is to use the probe to further locate it. The closer we get to the probe position, the higher the value of the locator signal gets, which means we're close to our destination. So this is where we have to break as well as fix the fault.

Sewer System Inspection
Let's go see what's going on inside okay, we're in the inner area now, look at the pipes that lead there. I have to detect what came here because there has to be something there. I have to look for it with the camera and the detector. I've got this fitting in a thicker tube, let's see what we can find. What I'm going to do is use the detector to see where the box is, and I'm going to mark it with a marker or something to find it there.

We've worked out some of the kinks now. We already know what we're going to say about this. I'm going to go to the second box now. I'm going to put the camera in while the hose is coming in, and I'll record it. Let's take a look and see if we can clean it up. I'm going to have to put in more front cameras. Thanks to the camera, helped document where there was another box and solved a pretty important problem for us. Okay, I've got the hose out, let me see what's happening up there. It's PVC pipe and at 4 meters it sticks to a pipe that is hooked up to a concrete pipe and the pipe is super clean. Thanks to the camera, I know I have to work from there. We have to look at the boxes and clean these until next time. Let's see, marked the tiles with the x's. Then I found a pipe and I decided to pull it out, and it's right next door.

I'm going to see if there's any other drilled holes around there, and if there are, I'll fix them now. I'm going to take the camera to the pipe here, and I can make the borehole a little bit bigger. It's pretty cluttered in here, I'm going to put on some gloves. Like I did before, I'm going to put the camera here, and I'm going to set the meter to zero. I'm going to raise it up a little bit and find dirt, but that's normal. We've now gone 16 meters. Look at the top, it appears to be a patch, a PVC patch or something like that. It's a bit difficult to keep going because the concrete pipe is very porous. Thanks to the camera, I was able to locate the second box, and we have been able to find that the pipe upwards is clean, but we are going to change it. And have been able to know that from here on there are no more manholes leading to the well.
What a miracle, the Sanyipace camera is amazing and I will get a perfect result. The sewer camera seems to be an indispensable tool, I'll see if I get a chance to use it for house plumbing later on by putting it through a small 40mm pipe. That's it for today's video, if you want to keep watching plumbing related, subscribe to the channel, it's free. Come on, see you guys in the next video!

Product link:
Sanyipace official website:
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